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​​​Just 60 cents a day

Location and School based GROUP MENTORING

 Any Amount Here

Mentors and Mentees of Boys To Men Foundation give back by helping make over 1000 sandwiches for communities in need. Mentees giving back and paying it forward.

Lead   -   Inspire  -  Empower

There is compelling evidence that school-based mentoring produces many positive outcomes for youth. Recent research into school-based mentoring outcomes indicates that these programs can:

All children need caring adults in their lives. Although positive, sustained relationships with parents represent a critical resource for children, other adults can provide support that is similar to the support that a parent provides. 




" A step in the right direction "


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  • Mentee participants are able to build strong bonds with peers within the same age frame and development level.
  • Mentee participants are exposed to an increased body of knowledge and learning experiences to improve reflection and critical thinking aptitude
  • Group mentoring creates a learning community which promotes diversity of thinking, practice, and understanding.
  • Small group settings build individual confidence of mentees to share ideas, feedback, and opinions in front of others
  • Group mentoring improves mentee capacity to receive and apply constructive feedback from peers

Our BTM Mentoring program presents opportunities for enrichment, exposure, support and guidance through supervised group  mentoring sessions between our mentors and mentees. BTM workforce development seeks to benefit two groups:  it enables individuals to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes for gainful employment or improved work performance in a particular trade or occupation. It provides employers with an effective means to communicate and meet their demand for skills. Boys To Men Foundation has provided thousands of youth aged 9 - 17 years of age, positive alternatives and a robust support network they can rely on. BTM gleened an extensive amount of research and analysis that identifies the key soft skills for youth employment as well as other positive cross-sectoral youth outcomes.

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  • MENTOR in a group setting
  • SPECIFIC Projects
  • ADMIN / General volunteer

Group mentoring is a more effective format to engaging youth and promoting positive social-emotional development when compared to 1:1 mentoring

BTM Gives Back